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K’aslemal je’


Rïn in ajwawe’

Nuxe’el rupach’un ri’ rik’in ruxe’el ri loq’oläj ixïm


Nab’ey taq  qati’t, nimaläj ina’oj

te’ej, ati’t je’

ixmi’al, ixnimal

ixk’exelom, ix ajoyonel

ixkowiläj, ixkirinel

ix ajkem, ix ajtz’ib’

Nan Ik’, Tat q’ij

ixsetesik, ixb’ey je’

b’aqtun, k’atun

ixb’alam, ixpich’ ya’

ixuchuq’ab’il, ixaq’omanela’,

kik’ut kan rub’eyal ri k’aslemal chi qawäch.


Räx ab’äj, aj iq’a’ iwaq’än

ja ri’ xik’usaj toq xikem kan qasok,

k’oy iwuchuq’ab’il

xiya’ apo ruq’axomal ri qanima chi ke ri qati’t qamama’

xojikol k’a,

wakami’ kik’in ri qati’t je’

qachuyen k’a ri ch’ame’y

niqaya’ apo ri q’axomal,

niqaya’ apo ri k’ayewal pa kiq’a’ ri rajawal k’aslemal je’.


Ja, röj nqatin qaqën pa ulew

röj nqamalaläj ruch’akul Qate’ ruwach’ulew

röj niqatz’ub’aj ri ab’äj qati’t

achi’el xqetamaj chupam kan ri jun chik qak’aslem

öj rub’ix ri k’aslemal

qoma röj njotayin ri nimaläj taq na’oj

chuqa’ nqak’ul ri nima’etamab’äl na’oj pa taq nimaq’a’.


Re’ xojayoq’, xatze’en kan chi qij, xojajech’uj kan

re’ xojawetzelaj kan, xojamalij kan

wakami’ kow öj pa’el chi kiwäch ri yewa’ chi qij, ri Itzel kina’oj.


Öj q’etenïk, öj uchuq’ab’il, öj uchuq’a’, öj ch’ab’äl, öj q’axomal, öj sik’inïk. Iwïr, wakami’, chwa’q kab’ij, röj chuqa’ öj k’uxaj, öj kuqub’ab’äl k’u’x.




I am from here

My root is braided with the root of maize.


Ancient and wise

mothers and grandmothers

daughters and sisters

midwives and callers of spirits

fighters and freers of souls

weavers and writers

moons and suns

cycles and truths

baktunes and k’atunes

jaguars and woodpeckers

nawales and healers of lives

they all marked our path.


With their hands of jade and their feet of sugarcane

they weaved our nest,

with their essence of K’oy

they emptied the luggage before medicine beings,

they lightened our burden,

today wielding the rod

the grandmothers and I

deliver that storm to the guardians of all lives.


Yes, we are those of bare feet

those who nurture the body of mother earth,

those who kiss the grandmother stones

like we learned from past lives,

we are songs of survival,

we are the reason for irrefutable change,

and we receive wisdom when fog covers our head.


We are the ones that you have left mocked and discriminated,

we are the ones that you have left raped and abandoned

but we are also the ones that confront the oppressor with its disfigured face.


Yesterday, today, tomorrow and the next day, we are
the strength, the struggle, the voice, the pain, the shout, but
we are also the heart and the hope.


Translated by Jennifer Sánchez López

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