Rïn in uchuq’ab’il
xk’üt chi nuwäch toq k’a in k’o wi chi rupam Qate’ Ruwach’ulew
chi ruchi’ ri nimaläj Xib’alb’ay
chuwäch ri b’eleje’ choliq’a’n
woyob’en wi rusik’inik ri qati’t qamama’ Kame toq nupo’ ri tukr.
Toq xoqa’ ri ramaj chuqa’ ri k’ojlem
nuch’umilal xiruya’ kan jub’a’ chik
k’a xtitz’aqät na rusetesik nuk’aslem.
K’o na jun q’ij, rat chuqa’ rïn
xtiqak’ül qi’ pa choliq’a’n
chi rupam ri Xib’alb’ay
toq xjalwachitäj yan quchuq’ab’il.
Nab’ey k’o chi yojb’e’ ok chi rupam ri nimaläj palow akuchi’ e k’o wi rije’
akuchi’ konojel yexajon,
k’a ri’ niqapo’ qi’ kaq’ïq’
k’a ri’ niqapo’ qi’ müs
k’a ri’ niqapo’ qi’ jiq’onem
richin kuqub’ab’äl k’u’x.
I am energy
they taught me when in the womb of Mother Earth I was
at the gate of the underworld
in front of the 9 steps
I awaited the announcement of the keme transformed into owl.
At the arrival of time and space
my ch'umilal tried to leave me
until completing the cycle of my existence.
Soon, you and I
will meet with each other on the steps
in the belly of Xib'alb'a
and will be new energy.
But first we will enter the sea with them
where everyone dances
to become the wind
to become a breeze
to become a breath
of hope.
Translated by Nancy Ríos