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Negma Coy is a Maya Kaqchikel artist from Chi Xot (San Juan, Comalapa), Guatemala. She's an author, painter, weaver, translator, educator and a cultural promoter. She writes in Maya Kaqchikel, Spanish and Maya glyphs, and she generally publishes her work in a combination of the three. Her published books of poetry include XXXK’ (2015), Soy un búho (2016) y Lienzos de herencia (2017), A orillas del fuego (2017), Tz’ula’, Guardianes de los caminos (2019) y Kikotem: Historias, cuentos y poesía kaqchikel (2019) have been published. She has also published a translation in Kaqchikel of the collection También en el sur se matan palomas by the Mexican poet Chary Gumeta. Currently, she engages in community work with artist collectives in Comalapa. She has participated in national and international art and poetry festivals. 

Her poetry emphasizes the cultural survival of the Maya world, particularly weaving, scientific and spiritual knowledge, memories of grandparents, traditional storytelling and the Kaqchikel language. Other poems touch subjects of migratory experience, threats to the natural environment and childrens’ imagination. Her collection Kikotem, from which we took various poems, is dedicated to children in hopes that they will pursue learning Kaqchikel and keep alive the ancestral traditions of their community.

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